It’s All Happening

Building works have commenced on the Balcón de Europa in Nerja, upgrading/replacing etc various floor tiles as well as renovating the circular seating at this popular location. These works are expected to take around two months.

February 8th and 9th – Feria Arriate Cofrade in Arriate

February 9th – Fiesta de la matanza in Ardales

Festival de Música de la Cueva del Tesoro in Rincón de la Victoria – with Mariola Cantarero, Ginés González, Erika Leiva and Muchopelo performing on February 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 20:30. Tickets 10 euros via

coffee time


Just My Take on Film and TV

Zebra Finch
Zebra Finch
Malaga Car Museum
Málaga Car Museum