
The saline Fuente de Piedra lagoon is a famous breeding area for Flamingoes, tens of thousands flocking to the area each year. However, most years there are groups, varying in size, that stop off at the mouth of the rio Guadalhorce in Málaga, location of the only lagoon in Europe that is actually located in a city.

A flock of around 50 of these curious birds has already arrived to forage in the area for a short while. They do not breed in this lagoon, it is just a stopover.

Flamingo, Málaga

I like the way their legs seem to be on the wrong way round, they forage for food with their bill upside down and make wonderful shapes with their necks.

pair of flamingoes, Málaga

And they are equally at home on one or two legs.

Málaga flamingo
Flamingo in Málaga