Hoverfly, Eupeodes corollae

Looking more in control of its flight than a bee is the hoverfly, and this one, I am fairly certain, is Eupeodes corollae, which is found throughout Europe, North Africa and Asia. In fact, it is very common in Europe. Gardens, riverbeds, farmland…you’ll find them almost everywhere.


Not only are they pollinators, but the larvae eat that well-known agricultural pest the Aphid.

hoverfly on flower

The general flight period of these insects is normally from May to September each year, but in southern Europe they can be seen all year.

Hoverflies have large, compound eyes that provide a wide field of view and they continuously monitor their surroundings, detecting obstacles and potential threats.

Unlike hummingbirds, hoverflies use an inclined stroke plane during hovering, their wings moving in a figure of eight pattern to create a stable hover. This unique wing motion allows them to adjust their position with precision, avoiding obstacles.

Hoverflies possess fast neural responses that enable quick adjustments, so when they detect an impending collision, their nervous system triggers rapid wing adjustments to steer away from obstacles.

Hoverflies maintain a horizontal body orientation during hovering, minimizing the risk of collision with vertical surfaces or objects above or below them.