To kick off: Love the name, love the bottle with the handles, like the overall branding and am thoroughly enjoy the taste.
Toffee, allspice, and clove with notes of vanilla, ginger, and peppercorns is how it is described (Glad it wasn’t Old Spice). Kraken Black Spiced Rum is a Caribbean rum, and the brand, introduced in 2010, is owned and distributed by Proximo Spirits of Jersey City, New Jersey.
The base rum is from Trinidad, distilled from molasses made from sugar cane, and it is aged 1–2 years and then blended with a mix of 11 spices.
The bottle itself owes much to the Victorian rum bottle, with two hoop handles based on the tradition of hanging a bottle to prevent breakages. Or maybe so you can just keep a good hold of it!

Not as strong a spice aroma as the Caribu, but that would indeed be hard to beat, but more than sufficient nonetheless. Great taste, pretty smooth…