Moth On The Mend

So there I was, taking an item from the washing line and giving it a vigorous shake when this critter hurtled past. Obviously it had taken up residence on the clothing.

At first glance – it was, I am assuming, rather stunned – it looked very much like it had red spots on its wings, like the 5 and 6-spot Burnets. At this stage, the wings of the motionless insect were nearly closed.

Moth, wings open

I carefully rescued it from its landing spot – the cat was around! – and it tried, unsuccessfully, to fly. It then sort of hopped up onto me and curled up on my shorts.

Moth, side view

After a while, recovered a bit from his trauma I would imagine, he flew onto the patio wall and stretched out his wings. I grabbed the camera and took a few shots.

Moth, head-on

He stayed on the wall for quite some time, even moving to a shadier spot when the sun got too hot for him.

My hitherto fairly reliable app on most occasions came up with the underwhelming response that it was ‘A butterfly or moth’. Still trying to make a definitive identification.

I am pretty certain he made a good recovery…